Kora TB140 review in hifi-advice.com…

Kora received a new Award for the Kora TB140 in the HiFi Advice blog…
Christiaan Punter’s conclusion:
The Kora TB140 is one of those rare products that truly surprise and I absolutely love it when that happens. It sounds nothing like a stereotypical tube amplifier because it has none of the added warmth, thickness, slowness, or blur that often come along with such designs. But neither does it sound like a traditional transistor amplifier because it has none of the typical solid-state edge or hardness. It strikes a careful balance between tightness, control, linearity, and expression on the one hand, and refinement, fluidity, and air on the other. Meanwhile, the amp has SET-like purity, quite bizarrely combined with amazing bass control, while driving any speaker, even Magico Q5’s. If one prizes neutrality as highly as I do and one does not mind an all-veils-removed, window-wide-open, perhaps slightly analytical presentation, then the Kora TB140 comes highly recommended. But above all, at its price level, I know of no better amplifier, certainly not one that drives every speaker on the market.