Mulidine France

New Mulidine Harmonie V3 reviewed October 2017 The new Mulidine Harmonie v3 loudspeakers get the ''Diapason d'Or'' Award from Diapason, for the best loudspeakers of the year 2017. Les revue Diapason, a décernée au modèle Harmonie v3 le ''Diapason d'Or'', en tant que meilleure enceinte de l'année 2017. « Diapason d'Or de l'année 2017 [...]

By |2019-04-10T15:35:47+01:00octobre 24th, 2017|Loudspeakers-fr|0 Comments

Jean-Marie Reynaud France

JMR Lucia reviewed October 2017 The JMR Lucia loudspeakers received the ''CHOC'' Award from Classica and the ''Diapason d'Or'' Award from Diapason, for the best loudspeakers of the year. Les revues Classica et Diapason, ont décernées au modèle Lucia de JMR leur récompenses ''CHOC'' et ''Diapason d'Or'', en tant que meilleure enceinte de l'année. [...]

By |2019-04-10T16:11:47+01:00octobre 4th, 2017|Loudspeakers-fr|0 Comments

Jean-Marie Reynaud France

JMR Announces the new CANTABILE JUBILE loudspeakers Septembre 2016 Since 1967, the JMR brand has continuously invented and innovated in order to provide loudspeaker systems that are more and more efficient and that offer a presentation that takes us closer to the real musical event. 2017 will be the 50th anniversary for JMR and it [...]

By |2019-04-10T16:17:06+01:00septembre 10th, 2016|Loudspeakers-fr|0 Comments

Jean-Marie Reynaud France

JMR Announces the ADARA loudspeakers during the Son&Image Show in Paris Octobre 2015 Here is the one we have been announcing for months! ADARA sang its very first public notes at the SON & IMAGE audio Show, which took place in Paris on 17 and 18 October. This final prototype version was presented as a [...]

By |2019-04-10T16:19:03+01:00octobre 21st, 2015|Loudspeakers-fr|0 Comments
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