Kora amplifiers.

The Square Tube® innovation with linear power transistors. L'Atelier Audio is now the official Kora's Canadian distributor. We are pleased to introduce Kora's unique range of French made hybrid tubes amplifiers to the Canadian market... L'Atelier Audio est le distributeur officiel Canadien de la marque Kora. Nous sommes très heureux de vous présenter [...]

By |2020-03-18T20:54:19+00:00février 12th, 2020|Events-fr|0 Comments

Toronto Audiofest, October 18 to 20, 2019.

New Toronto Audio Show It is with a great pleasure that we will show our entire catalog throughout the Toronto AudioFest from the October 18 to the 20, including several first in Canada, such as JMR Bliss Jubile, Aqua Acoustics Formula xHD Rev 2. Please visit our 347 & 348 rooms. C’est avec [...]

By |2019-10-08T21:28:38+01:00octobre 1st, 2019|Events-fr|0 Comments

Cantano turntable

Cantano is now available in Canada .... L'Atelier Audio is glad to become the exclusive Cantano dealer for the Canada. You are welcome to contact us, to talk about this unique turntable, made in Germany. Passion for vitality. With the new Cantano W we are opening a new chapter of perfection in construction, design, [...]

By |2019-08-15T17:19:54+01:00août 15th, 2019|Events-fr|0 Comments

Miyajima Labs

Miyajima Labs is now available in Canada .... L'Atelier Audio is happy to become exclusive Miyajima Lab dealer for the Canada. Miyajima Lab (Otono Edison) is L'Atelier-Audio unique brand of cartridges made in Japan. It includes different mono and stereo cartridges, as well as step up transformers, pre-amplifier and OTL amplifiers. L'Atelier Audio [...]

By |2019-05-09T23:56:49+01:00mai 9th, 2019|Events-fr|0 Comments

Toronto Audiofest 2018

Room 347 & room 348 It is with great pleasure that we presented our entire catalog throughout the Audio Show, including several first in Montreal, such as JMR Cantabile Jubile, the Mulidine Harmonie V3, DAC Aqua La Voce, the Miyajima Sabotan L cartridge, the Yamamoto phono stage, the Ocellia OCC cables ... We thank [...]

By |2019-04-10T15:39:24+01:00octobre 30th, 2018|Events-fr|0 Comments

Toronto audiofest, October 19 to 21, 2018.

New Toronto Audio Show It is with a great pleasure that we will show our entire catalog throughout the Toronto AudioFest, including several first in Canada, such as Mulidine Harmonie V3, DAC Pavane L3, Aqua Acoustics range. Please visit our 347 & 348 rooms and Easton salon. C’est avec beaucoup de plaisir que [...]

By |2019-04-10T15:41:22+01:00septembre 1st, 2018|Events-fr|0 Comments

Thomas Schick

Thomas Schick products are now available in Canada .... L'Atelier Audio is happy to become the exclusive Thomas Schick dealer for the Canada. Thomas Schick is L'Atelier-Audio unique brand of tonearms made in Germany. It includes different stereo cartridges, an headshell and a fantastic turntable. L'Atelier Audio est très heureux d'être le revendeur exclusif pour le [...]

By |2019-04-10T16:07:22+01:00août 30th, 2018|Events-fr|0 Comments

Aqua Acoustic Quality

CES 2018 best sound of the Show …. La Diva and new Formula xHD on show: meet Aqua at CES Las Vegas USA, January 9-12, 2018, VENETIAN HOTEL – suite 35-307 The Absolute Sound JONATHAN VALIN The best sound at CES—indeed one of the best sounds I’ve heard at a trade show— undoubtedly came [...]

By |2019-04-10T16:10:10+01:00janvier 9th, 2018|Events-fr|0 Comments


DIMD PP10 Amplifier is now available in Canada .... L'Atelier Audio is the new DIMD distributor for Canada. L'Atelier Audio est le nouveau distributeur de la marque DIMD. http://www.dimd.eu/en

By |2019-04-10T16:14:46+01:00mars 3rd, 2017|Events-fr|0 Comments

Jean-Marie Reynaud

2017 c’est l’année du Jubilé pour JMR qui fête 50 années au service de la musique.... Three new models will be presented at the beginning of the year at different events. Trois nouveaux modèles seront présentés ce début d’année lors de différentes manifestations. http://jm-reynaud.com

By |2019-04-10T16:15:05+01:00janvier 1st, 2017|Events-fr|0 Comments
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