Le nouveau switch ethernet Tempus…

Network Acoustics’ flagship Ethernet Switch has been developed as a system, with equal attention paid to both the design of the switch and its power supply.
Separating the power supply from the signal clocking and output processes is critical when designing an Ethernet Switch for high-end music and video streaming. Network Acoustics achieved this goal by designing a Switch with huge, but low-stressed processing/switching capacity, precision clocking and integrated power filtering. The tempus Switch is perfectly matched with its hybrid power supply, which is designed to provide the clean and dynamic power that is required.
The result is an Ethernet Switch unequalled in its ability to simultaneously deliver perfectly timed and clean signal to all of the networked devices in your home entertainment system.
Bringing realism, timing and extraordinary clarity to streamed music, while at the same time adding depth, contrast, pin-sharp detail, and a natural fluidity of motion to video playback, making tempus the beating heart and essential foundation of any serious networked home entertainment system.
Pour plus d’informations sur les produits Network Acoustics, merci de nous contacter ou visiter le site du fabricant:
– https://www.networkacoustics.com/